
Farewell parties can get crazy

How do you say goodbye to your head coach?  You get him a cake that shows his new team losing to one of the worst teams in the country...

And you put his kid on top of the refrigerator.


In another life I was a landscaper

Although probably not a very good one.  Regardless, I do have fun planning out our flower beds and our future hardscaping (more on that to come in the future).  Last year, we did the front beds and the right side of the house in late summer. 

(look how small Riley looked just six months ago!)

Those areas looked great..and then it snowed.  And then spring came.  And we have no plants.  Because we planted in late summer, we didn't have any spring blooms.  We fixed that issue over the weekend by putting in a few strategically placed bulbs that will make me smile when they bloom year after year.

We also tackled the left side of the house--the shady side.  Last year, we planted two bushes on that side and both died quick and hopefully painless deaths.  We guess that it was a mixture of rocky soil and lack of sunlight.  This year, I choose a selection of ultra-hardy plants that are intended for high-shade areas.  Lets all cross our fingers and hope for the best. 

Riley likes the pink bush.

Here is a hint of the next project that is currently underway.

And next on the list--a new walkway and tool shed.  Wow, my life is exciting...



Although there are many benefits to having two rambunctious puppies, there are a few downsides as well.  For example, casualties.  

Sadly, this was my favorite lamp (granted, we only have two lamps in the living room but this was by far the cooler of the two).  And yes, you can see the two culprits of the crime in the background.

But how can you be angry with a face this cute?