
Happy Feet

Auntie Lou came to visit last week and while she was here, she bought JT the most adorable pair of shoes.


 JT approves.

 And, since I love outtakes, here are some of the best...

Angry baby 1:

Suspicious baby:

Sticking his tongue out:

Angry baby 2: 

Confused baby: 

Crazy baby 1:

Just cuteness:

Crazy baby 2:

"Mommy, why are you doing this to me?":

And hand chewing, his new favorite hobby:


Triple Threat


(Hahahahaha.  Love this picture.)

That's right.  JT is 3 months old.

He is measuring in at:
15.6 lbs*
26 inches*
*(these measurements were done at home and may be off slightly)

He wasn't particularly in the mood to take pictures (or smile), which resulted in some awesome results.  Like the model-esque look off into the distance.

Followed by my favorite--the eating Grover series.

And then just some randoms (apologies in advance for any repeats)...




For comparison, a little before and after of the last three months.




Easy Oven Eggs

So I know this post isn't in line with my usual posts, but I came up with this easy way to make eggs in the oven and I wanted to share.

First, let me preface this post with a little back story...

In contemplation of going back to work in December, I have been trying to work out my schedule. One of my concerns is what to do for breakfast.  I learned during my pregnancy that it isn't good to have dairy or fruit before noon, since your body's sugars are already high in the morning.  So I decided that pre-made breakfast sandwiches were the best option for me.

However, I have a baby.  And I don't have uninterrupted time every Sunday to spend an hour on the stove cooking eggs and sausages/bacon in a frying pan. As a new mom, one of the first things you learn is that anything that doesn't require constant attention or can be done one-handed is a winner. So I tried to find a way to make eggs easily and one-handed.  Here is my solution...

First, find a baking tin that has some kind of mold to it.  You could use a cupcake tin.  I used a tin intended for whoopie pies.

Throw our tin in the oven and turn the broiler on high.

Give the broiler a few minutes to heat up.  I gave mine 5 minutes.  Once its reasonably pre-heated, pull out your oven rack and crack an egg into each of your molds.   Push your oven rack back in and wait 5 minutes.

Waa-laa!  Oven made eggs in under 10 minutes.

They work perfectly for breakfast sandwiches.

I bought sandwich thins at the store, put an egg and a flat sausage on each one and stored them in the fridge.  In the morning, I nuke them for 1 minute in the microwave and they are good to go.  Quick, easy and one-handed. You can also make these with just egg whites for an even lower-calorie meal.  Enjoy!


The Halloween that Wasn't

Because we didn't get our power back until Wednesday at 9 pm, trick or treating did not happen in our neighborhood.  We did, however, dress up JT in his costume(s).  Just because we could.

His first (and actual) Halloween costume was handmade by me.

He's a dunk, in case you were wondering.

JT's second costume I picked up at Old Navy when we went to the mall so the baby could have some heat before we went Grandma's.  I really bought it as a coat, since fleece jackets for babies run around $30 but fleece Halloween costumes were on clearance for $6.  Hey, a good deal is a good deal, people!

Plus, he looks adorable. ;)


Sandy, oh Sandy

So I'm a bit backed up on posts.  Hurricane Sandy has had me out of sorts.

Luckily, we didn't have any damage.  We did, however, have to relocate for a few days due to a lack of power.  For the day and a half that we remained at home without power, it looked like this:

Don't worry--most of those are fake LED candles.

After the temperature in the house dropped below 60 degrees (and we ran out of firewood), we moved in with my mother-in-law.  We finally got power back on Wednesday (a week ago) late in the evening.

Hopefully this next nor'easter will be as kind as Sandy was...