
Normal Weekend

Last weekend was just a normal weekend around here.  We ran some errands, finished up Christmas present shopping and bought groceries.  Nevertheless, these two always make it interesting.


O Tannenbaum

We must have lost our minds, but we decided to put up two Christmas trees this year.  With two children under 4.  I don't know what possessed us.  The goods news is that the trees look fantastic.  The bad news is that K loves to eat ornaments.  *sigh.

The first tree is the more traditional tree.  It lives in the dining room against the front windows.  It is also the fake tree that we inherited from the great grandparents.

The second tree is the "kid" tree.  It is in the living room against the back windows.  Basically, no matter if you're viewing our house from the front or behind, you'll see Christmas lights twinkling through the windows.  This is a real tree that the kids were absolutely no help in picking out.


Life as we know it

It's been a rough few weeks here at the O house. Everyone has been sick, and it's put a substantial damper on...everything. The kids, at least, are starting to come around, and we should be out of the weeds soon. Basketball season is also ramping up, which means lots of flirting with cheerleaders for K.



Look at my little guy eating his sandwich like a grown up. Even JT doesn't eat his sandwiches like this yet. K is growing up way too fast!



So, I'm going to try very hard to pull this blog out of the neglected nether regions where it has languished for the last year. There are a lot of great pictures and updates that have not made their way here. I am resolving to do better. But if nothing else, at least Mr. Sassy Pants is getting his chance to say hi.


Lately, K has been walking around chewing on his board books to soothe his teething pain. The other day, a book bit back.

Poor baby!


Our Newest Addition

We put together this headboard for J's bed in just a few hours this weekend. It was much easier and turned out much better than expected.  We'll have to see how it holds up to abuse.