
Chillin' like ice cream fillin'

JT made some new friends.

We're all so excited that the 2012-2013 season has started!  Duff has a great group of guys.

And just for the record, I did not hand off my baby.  Kevin actually asked to hold him (future babysitter in my future???).


Our Little Parrot

JT has just started to mimic sounds.  They're never exactly right on but you can tell that he's trying.  Here is one such parroting session.

As you can tell, JT still suffers from a bit of camera-shyness.  Not that I've stopped taking pictures (and video), though.


Its a Party

on the changing table.  And you're all invited.

For some reason, when we lay JT down on his changing table, he breaks into some sort of baby dance.  He doesn't stop moving until we take him off (or until I pull out my camera, which seems to signal "freeze" to him).

I wonder what he was thinking here...


The Hand

I checked on JT during his nap the other day and found this.

Love the hand position.  And sleeping babies.  I always love sleeping babies.


An Unusual Visitor

The other night when we were taking the dogs out, we found an usual visitor at on the door.

Unfortunately, my camera battery died right after this picture, so I wasn't able to photograph the other side.  It looked like a salamander to me, but I don't really know my amphibians(?) that well.  Either way, it mostly looked doomed.  That was one of our last warm days before the cold front hit.  I'm pretty sure Mr. Lizard isn't native to this part of the country and I'm also pretty sure that he's not designed to survive sub-freezing temperatures.  Poor Mr. Lizard.



JT has just started to grab hold of things so we try to keep toys or blankets by him so he has something to hold on to.  One of his favorite toys is Sophie the giraffe.  She's made of this unique rubber that is incredibly malleable and downy soft.  I can't think of any other rubber object that has a similar texture.  And she's French.

Anyway, JT loves to hold her, throw her and chew on her.  Oh, and cuddle with her.


2 Legit 2 Quit

At two months old, JT is measuring in at:

11 lbs, 1 ounce
24 inches tall

That means he has grown 1 pound and 1.5 inches in the last 30 days.  Goodness!  He has also greatly increased his repertoire of expressions and is much more mobile than at 1 month old.  Hence the variety of outtakes for this month.

The classic "why are you doing this to me" expression:

Cuddling with Grover:

 The politician's "let me explain something to you" hand gesture:

 The "maybe if I hide she'll stop taking pictures" expression:

More cuddling with Grover.

 This is what we like to call the "grumpy face."

I have no commentary except to say I love this picture. Lol.

Chase also wanted to get in on the picture taking.  It is his baby, after all. On a related note, someone was walking their baby past our house and it started to cry.  The dogs went crazy.   They thought it was their baby and they were doing everything they could to get out there to make sure everything was ok.

 Telling secrets to Grover.

 Sad face.

JT doing his bicycle legs.

 Karate chop.

Grumpy face while in frog pose. A classic.

And if anyone is wondering how difficult it is to photograph a two month old, this video is for you.  Keep in mind that this is near the end of the photo session after he had calmed down a little and was less determined to escape.

One thing I noticed in the pictures is how much JT's face has changed in the last month.  Just look at his one month versus his two month:


He's starting to look less like a newborn and more like a unique person every day.