
"Hurricane-Like Snowstorm Aims for Northeast..."

Exciting! Luckily, its scheduled to hit after 9 pm tonight, which means Duff's game will continue on as planned. Go Eagles!


End of season count down

Due to a general lack of news around here (and general busy-ness doing unexciting things), I have decided to undertake an end of season count down for Duff's team. With only two weeks to go, I'm pretty excited about no longer being a basketball widow...and Duff's return to doing house work and other chores.

The update is as follows: the news is not good. The team lost last night: 59-65. They should not have lost this game. They were definitely the better team but they must not have played well (I don't know--I wasn't there). All I know is that one of the referees informed our head coach that "you're just an elementary school coach, man. an elementary school coach." Apparently our coach had to be held back from beating the ref to a pulp (don't worry, they'd already called a technical). Last night's game put the team's record at 11-12. Not good, boys. Not good. The team was second in conference prior to yesterday's loss. I'm not sure where they are now. They have two more games to go this week before conference finals next week. Hopefully, they can pull themselves together and win out in conference. That will put them in a good position going into the tournament. The next two games are Thursday and Saturday (and I'll be there since they're both home games). I'll keep you updated throughout the week.



Queen of the Snow Pile

Random Wednesday

Snow day!!!! Did anyone else know that lawyers got snow days? I didn't. It makes my career choice that much easier to live with. Of course, the last time that the firm closed for inclement weather was in 1996...but we won't think about that. We'll think about me and Riley sitting on the couch together all day, watching the snow fall outside.

On another note, we took Riley in for an emergency vet appointment yesterday. It turns out that she has a bacterial infection in her left eye AND a yeast infection in both her ears. Poor girl! You wouldn't know she was sick if you saw her, though. She is just bouncing all over the place and ringing the bells every couple minutes so that she can go play in the snow. Riley is also 35 pounds now. 35 POUNDS (35.5 to be exact)! We had no idea. We thought she was still only 25-30 pounds. She doesn't look like she's grown at all but apparently she's been secretly putting on weight without us knowing.

Well, that's all from here. I'm going to go back to watching the snow fall now (Actually, I'm doing a full days worth of work from home today. Too much to do and too little time. But lets just pretend that I'm taking the day off. At least I get to wear jeans...)


Snow day

We got something like 18-22 inches of snow. Riley is in heaven. See below:


Thursday, finally

Did anyone else give a big sigh of relief when they got to work this morning? Its Thursday...finally. This has possibly been the longest week of all time and for no particular reason. I was neither drudgingly slow nor exhaustedly overwhelmed this week (unlike last week!). Instead, its just been a few things here and there with some rest periods in between. I wonder if that is what most people's work-life is like? It must be nice...Except the last three days felt like three weeks. Hello, weekend! I can see you on the horizon.

On another note, we are in a winter storm warning. I noticed it this morning on weather.com. The storm warning is for Friday afternoon through Saturday. That's right--the winter storm warning is up a whole day and a half in advance. And its gets better--the warning is for an expected 6-12 inches of snow. Hahahahahahahahaha. Seriously!?! Only a foot of snow? That's nothing. It will melt in like two days, anyway. But people here are panicking. Folks at the basketball game yesterday were talking about how they were preparing to be snowed in all weekend. Snowed in!!! And I'm positive that our grocery store will be empty of bread, eggs and milk by tomorrow morning (Why do people always buy bread and eggs? We almost never eat bread or eggs in our house. We'd be better off with loads of chicken breasts and pasta). I'm trying to keep my self-righteous, midwestern, if-its-not-over-16-inches-its-not-worth-talking-about smirks to myself.

And finally, God decided to test my fortitude yesterday by dangling the assistant coach's position for girl's basketball in front of me. Its mine if I want it. And I do want it. I love the coach--she likes the game to be played exactly the same way that I do. But I have yet to figure out a way that it would be workable. Cruel, cruel life. I think I'll give myself until the summer to see if I can come up with any solutions. I hate to let an opportunity like this pass me by. *sigh