
On the road

JT experienced his first (and second) plane ride last week. He was a perfect angel and received several "he's such a good baby" compliments. 

He mostly just loved looking at all the new things and A WHOLE PLANE FULL OF FACES TO WATCH!!!  It was like a baby's version of an amusement park...with naps.


New Kicks

Since JT is becoming famous for his trendy shoe selection, I thought I would share his newest set of kicks.

These are soft soles so he can wear them every day to day care.  So far, no luck that they would help keep his socks on.  He is a sock Houdini!


Happy Birthday, Chasey!

In honor of Chase's 2nd birthday, I tried to get a picture of him and JT together.

As you can see, it was not a great success.

The puppies have learned early that baby = trouble.

They have not yet learned that baby = free people food.  They will most likely start learning that next month.

Update: Totally forgot I had this picture from a few months ago. This is before JT was capable of grabbing ears.


Christmas--Take 2

Oooo, bright shiny things.



What are these crazy people doing?

More cuteness.

Presents are tasty!

Additional cuteness.

I'm going to pretend like I know what I'm doing.

Merry Christmas!


Christmas--Take 1

I have about 100 cute pictures of JT at Christmas.  So I'm separating them into several posts for my own convenience your viewing pleasure.  Enjoy!





My Little Mobster

Come on. Doesn't he look like a little Soprano?

This is actually us on our way to Christmas Eve service.  But come on!


Christmas Pictures


I'm way behind on posting the Christmas pictures.  No worries!  They are on their way.

This was a picture we snapped of JT hanging out with Duff in the driver's seat while we were on our way to Grandma and Grandpa's for Christmas.

I'm already scared for when he turns 16!


Five Months

So its time for the second batch of pictures using the 5 month sticker.  JT is actually 5 months old this time, though!  I didn't do any measurements this time, since they were so drastically off when I did that at home for his three month pictures.  Suffice it to say, he is still growing.

There were lots of options for his lead picture this month.  He must be getting the hang of this posing thing.

Poor Grover took a beating, though.

 Luckily, they made up before it was all over.

Look who is learning to stand on his own...

Luckily, he is so focused on walking that he hasn't figured out the whole crawling thing.  Phew!  Hopefully we get at least one more month with an immobile infant.


Our monthly comparisons...



Happy five months, everyone!