
First Month

In celebration of Baby K's two month birthday (what?!? my baby can't be two months old already!!!), I am posting my favorite pictures from his first month/newborn photo session.  Because I'm timely like that...

At one month old, Baby K wasn't too good at (a) sitting still or (b) making angelic expressions.  He prefers faces that look something like this:

Anyway, despite his lack of compliance, he is a thriving boy.  At one month old his measurements came in at:

Height -- 22.75 inches
Weight -- 10 pounds, 15 ounces

As his doctor says, he's got that growing thing down. ;)


A quick comparison

I've been meaning to do this since K was born, but here's a few quick comparisons between JT and K as newborns.











Yes, I think they're brothers...

What are you watching?

That would be "Shark Week."*

*The video isn't working from my view but I'm hoping it will work once its up on the blog.

On this day

Last year...



A sight for sore eyes

Y'all wish you had my pantry right now, don't you?

This is the safest way to cool the cupcakes out of reach of dogs and toddlers.  Getting ready for JT's birthday party.  Our house smells so good!!! Can't wait to start frosting these bad boys tonight.  

(In case you're curious, these are blue velvet cupcakes which will have a buttercream frosting with sprinkles, a strawberry cupcake with fresh strawberry center and cheesecake frosting, and Milky Way cupcakes with a chocolate malt marshmallow centre and caramel buttercream frosting. Yum!)

Friday random

I'm going to ignore the incredible time gap since my last post and say that the lack of posts makes me feel something like this...

(If I was getting enough sleep to process any feelings, that is.)

Anyway, a random picture of JT playing with his bib at dinner--apparently bibs are the new hat.

Happy Friday, everyone!