
Bloomin' excited

Ok, so most of the excitement around here revolves around there being only 3 days until we pick up Riley!!! But, there is also some excitement over what mystery plants are emerging from the large amounts of mulch around the house. By the time we bought the house in October, most of the plants had retreated back into the ground (or we forgot about them during the winter). So every week now we are finding new and interesting plants popping up. This weeks plants include the following:

Hostas, in alternating colors.

Mystery plant with cool little pods.

Woody bush with red flowers (and yes, that's its official name).
A white flower we found in the woods.

Ok, so we have no idea what any of our plants are (besides the hostas). If you know, feel free to leave a comment. Otherwise, I may begin naming them on my own...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am pretty sure that is a Trillium. Not sure what species is common in your area. LAK