
The Love Affair

I am a failure at keeping up with the blog and watching the baby.  But let's face it--JT is way more exciting.  I'm not yet ready to work on the how-the-baby-arrived post but I will post about that one day.  Today, let's stick with something light...

Let's talk about Chase's love affair with his new brother.  He literally has to be in whatever room JT is in.  As I type, Chase is sleeping on the couch next to the Pack 'n Play where JT is sleeping.  Chase cannot get enough of the little guy.  As examples:

JT was not always as enamored of Chase, unfortunately...

But they've worked out an understanding (licks = tickles = kicks and squirming).


Let's all just imagine the trouble these two will get into five years from now...or let's not.  I don't need that kind of stress!

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