

So its been a while since I posted.

A long while.

Sadly, it has also been a long while since I took pictures of the wee one.

But when wee one is crying inconsolably with a 102 degree fever, pictures are not the first thing to come to mind.  Sick babies are so sad!

But the snot rockets that kid can produce when he's stuffy are A-MAZ-ING.  Seriously, like the size of half his face.

The good news is that wee one has recovered from his infection and is getting back to his happy, healthy self. * We should be able to attempt 4 month pictures this weekend (*fingers crossed).

The bad news is that I owe you all (and by all I mean my three readers) an apology.  The stress of going back to work and wee one's first days of day care got to me--and I let it. 

Here is a little picture to tide you over.

*Update: The wee one has since regressed. He can't seem to shake this cold. So sad...

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