
A Quick Trim

And a quick post at that.  Don't tell my boss, but I am posting this at work.  I feel like a neglectful blogger and I've had these pictures sitting, waiting to be posted, for weeks (as evidenced by JT's Valentine's chew toy below).

Anyway, JT got his first trim right around Valentine's Day.  His hair was acting all wonky--it was mostly normal length but then there were a few 4-5 inch strands coming out of the crown of his head.  It gave him a funny, halo-esque appearance.  And momma couldn't have that!

I tried to get some pictures of the wonky hairs...

But you try to take pictures of a 6 month old...

In his Bumbo...

In the bathtub...

With a towel over him that he just wanted to play with...

Anyway, we took Duff's beard trimmers to his fluffy little head and wha-la!

Chewing on Grandma's valentine.  Sorry for the lack of "after" pictures.  He was even less compliant after the haircut than he was before.

At least his hair is all one uniform length!


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