
30 for 30

Apparently, it is a "thing" for people to do something monumental to celebrate their 30th birthdays.  Skydiving (ahem, B, I'm talking to you), large parties, vacations, etc.

That is not me.  I barely remember to celebrate my birthdays at all.

But I thought, this year, I should at least do something.  So I came up with my ideal celebration--I'll just do all of the little things that I really like to do (like eat pizza) and none of the things I don't like to do (like clean).

And the 30 for 30 birthday was born.  Over the course of three days (Friday-Sunday), I tried to do my 30 favorite things.  For my 30th birthday.  Happy birthday to me.  Here is the rundown:

1. Sleep in -- Ironically, I was so excited about all the things that we were going to do that I didn't sleep in past 8 am all weekend.  But the rest of the family did get a chance to enjoy the holiday.  Here is Chase waiting for JT to wake up.

2. Go swimming with JT - JT loves to go swimming (despite his face below).  So its always fun to go to the pool with him and have him splash me in the face with water.  And its always nice to have a reminder of why selfies are never a good idea.

3. Eat pizza -- For anyone who knows me, this is a given.

4. Go to the outlet mall -- Also a given.  Plus, JT likes to show off how cool he looks lounging in his stroller.  I am in so much trouble when this guy turns 18...or 12...or 5.  Darn it!  No growing up, you!

5. Wear new clothes  -- First I bought them, then I wore them. :)

6. Wear my hair in a pony tail -- All weekend. Just pony tails. Joy.

7. Eat out -- On Friday night, we met my college roommate, B, and her husband for dinner.  It was so much fun to see her and to watch JT hit on all of the waitresses.  He even rested his hand on our waitress's hip (no lie) and held her hand for a while.  I am in trouble.  See number 4 above.

8. See old friends -- See above.

9. Go to Starbucks with Betsy -- We go at least once a week and it wouldn't be a complete birthday without a trip with my best friend from work.  And one of my best friends overall.  Plus, it involves one of my other favorite things (see below).

10. Drink chai -- See above. ;)
11. Eat a hot breakfast -- We did do this, but unfortunately I did not get a picture.  I did, however, have the most delicious eggs benedict.

12. Eat Indian -- This was our swan song.  Completely exhausted on Sunday night, we ordered Indian for dinner.  Delish!

13. Wear flip flops  -- I. Love. Flip. Flops.  I would wear them all year round if it were socially acceptable.  And sometimes I wear them, even when its not.  Hello, Chase.  Thank you for photo-bombing.  We like your feet as well.

14. Pink -- Its my favorite color. And my awesome friend, B, got me some pink to take home for my b-day.  That is a good friend.
15. Date night with Duff  -- I mixed this in with the two below items.  I got dressed up and we went to a movie as a date.  The fact that the move was at 1 pm does not matter.  It still counts as date night.  In case you were wondering, we saw Fast and Furious 6.  I feel like I've grown up on that franchise and for some reason, the movies just keep getting better.  Can't wait for next year's F&F 7.
16. Go to a movie
17. Get dressed up

18. Rock the baby to sleep -- There is nothing like it.  And, yes, that is Chase taking a nap in the background.  He takes the theory of "sleep when the baby sleeps" very seriously.

19. Eat ice cream -- Yum.  Also a given if you know me.

20. Read a book -- I don't read books nearly as much as I used to but its still one of my favorite ways to kick back and relax.

21. Watch the Bachelorette -- Unfortunately, I did not get a chance to watch this over the weekend.  We were just too busy having fun!  Plus, I'm not a big fan of the Bachelorette this season.  I might wait until next season and hope for someone better.

22. Take pictures -- Obviously, I did lots of this.  Below is an image I captured of Riley and JT taking a nap.  Unfortunately, Riley woke up when I walked in with my camera.  Its still cute, though.

23. Take a long shower  -- Done and done.  Hopefully, I did not permanently damage the water heater.

24. Watch a chic flick -- Backwards.  You can find it on Netflix.  Its an indie film but its actually really good.  And the daughter of one of my partners wrote, directed and acted in it.  So the local connection made it extra fun.

25. Read with JT -- We do this almost every day and it never gets old.  Even when he chews on the books.

26. Binge TV watching -- Thank you Netflix for putting up the newest season of Pretty Little Liars just three days before my birthday.  Perfect binge watching fodder. 

27. Do something I've been wanting to do for a while -- There are two food-related things that I have been wanting to do for a while: (1) try the Korean restaurant near my firm and (2) try the ramen shop near my firm.  I was able to do the latter for my birthday.  And, those hands you see across from me, those belong to my coworker who has the exact same birthday as me (although she's 2 or so years older than me).  So we went together and had a great birthday lunch.

28. Make JT giggle -- Baby giggles are the best.

29. Play with JT -- Can you tell I'm obsessed with my child?

30. Play with the puppies -- Poor puppies.  They are sorely neglected these days.  Luckily for them, one of our favorite things to do when the weather is nice (which around here feels like a rare occurrence) is throw toys for them in the yard.  JT also enjoys trying to steal the dog toys, which adds an extra element of challenge for the puppies.

And that, dear readers, is how you do 30 for 30.  And, now, I'm just any other old lady.


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