
Feeling a little blue

Well, as I mentioned in the previous post, we've been very busy at the O'Currents house with changes, updates and other projects. Although we have several projects currently in concept form, we have one that we just finished (yeah!!!). It involves the main bathroom.

The bathroom is very nice but it was a little...bleak. Between the wall color and the previously purchased accessories, it was brown, tan, nude, sandy, and every other color of brown you could think of. If there was a word to describe it, it would be blah. So we decided to brighten it up a bit with some paint.

Here is Riley helping us clean out the bathroom pre-painting (sorry, can't have a post without a Riley picture):

Here is what the bathroom looked like when we toured the house pre-purchase:

Here is what it looked like pre-painting (a la brown, brown and more brown):

And here is what it looks like now:

So you can understand why we're all feeling a little blue around here. ;)

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