
Surprise, surprise

So Duff and I were wondering through Lowe's yesterday searching for supplies for another project we're starting (I know, I know...I haven't posted pictures yet from our earlier super big, OMG, house-changing project...I'm on it. No worries). We were on our way to the register, when we noticed a large cart belonging to someone else with some beautiful wood chairs and benches on it and a sign saying something like "really cheap, must go, you're a fool not to buy me" (ok, not in those words, but close enough). So Duff and I looked at each other and made meaningful eyebrow raises. "Maybe we should check out the patio furniture" Duff said. I agreed so we meandered over to the patio furniture section, not expecting much since we've looked at Lowe's before and never found anything that we liked. After perusing their front display, we wandered into the back where we found them. The two perfect patio chairs. Only one had a rip in the fabric. But at 75% off, we were willing to take the plunge. "Let's see if they have any in boxes, first," Duff told me. So while I sat in the chairs and staked our claim, Duff went in search of a sales associate. 20 minutes later he found one and they informed us that yes, there were two sets of chairs still boxed. Oh, and what is that sitting hidden on that cart. Matching chairs that swivel? Swivel! So those had to come home too. As did the travertine-topped side tables. All for ridiculously cheap prices. Of course, we had to rent a truck from Lowe's to get all of our boxes home, but even with the $20 rental cost of getting the truck, we still only paid about half the full cost of the original set of chairs. Now, I'm just have to convince Duff that we should go back for the bench... (Update: we went back for the bench tonight and it was already gone. :( )

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