
Who knew?

I have never liked the word sconce. It just sounds so...hoighty-toighty. And I can honestly say that I have never owned a sconce.

Until now.

While Duff and I were short-cutting our way through JcPenneys the other week, we came across a bed and bath sale. Of course, the clearance signs drew my eye. We wandered over and were immediately drawn to a box of black candle sconces, 75% off. After a little debate about whether we really needed sconces, we decided that our overall need for wall decoration warranted the minimal purchase.

Once we got home, I immediately thought of the perfect location for them. I don't know--it just came to me.

So the blank corner wall next to the bed...

is now all hoighty-toighty with a pair of candle sconces.

They actually look a lot better than we even expected. Who knew?

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